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Err Address Unreachable

Internet problems are always distressing, especially at home. If you have an internet problem at work, then usually it’s out of your hands, and you have to wait for a technician to sort it out. At home, it’s your responsibility to get the Wi-Fi fixed.

Resolving these issues can often get too technical for an untrained individual, though if you see ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE on Google Chrome, you won’t know how to deal with it.

Fortunately, it’s not the end of the world just yet! This error is very common, and simple fixes usually do the trick.

We’ve got plenty of solutions that you can try if Google Chrome shows this error and you aren’t able to access the internet. Read on and find out what you need to do.

Reasons for Chrome’s ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE Error

Understanding the cause of a problem is always a great way of determining how to fix it. This error is no different, so here are the most common reasons users see ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE.

  • Router Problems. Routers are fragile pieces of equipment and can become faulty without notice. If your router has a broken component or a firmware error, this may cause the Google Chrome error.
  • Using a Public Network. Public networks don’t provide as much freedom as private network does. This error will appear when you try to connect to a private address while connected to a public network.
  • Proxy Problems. Using a proxy server that hasn’t been configured properly or recently changed settings can result in network issues. If you have a VPN enabled or are using a proxy connection, consider disabling it and trying again.
  • Issues with the Web Server. The network problem might not be on your end. Sometimes a web server may crash or have a fault that prevents browsers from establishing a connection. You can check if this is the problem by simply opening another tab and visiting another website.
  • Computer Problems. Some desktop computers and laptops have glitches; it’s not something that we can avoid. Fortunately, if it’s just a hiccup in your computer, restarting it will fix the network problem.

There are plenty of other reasons you’ll see the unreachable error, which is the most common. Whatever is causing the error, one of the solutions we’ve got for you below will swiftly resolve it.

Besides, for people who have an issue with Google Chrome Being Slow, here are the best solutions.


We will show you the best ways to fix this Google Chrome error and explain the steps you have to take.

By the way, if you are bothered with errors like err_cache_miss, click to fix them now.

1. Restart Your Router

Restarting your router is the first solution you should always try with persistent network errors. You have to turn off the power, wait roughly 5 minutes, and then turn it back on.

After turning it back on, wait a few minutes for it to load the firmware and establish a connection with your internet provider.

Didn’t it work? You can instead try doing a hard reset. There will be a small hole on the back of your router with the word “RESET” printed above it.

Simply put a pin in this hole and push it in for roughly 5 seconds. For specific instructions on resetting your router, you should check the manual.

2. Disable Your Extensions

Google Chrome is very popular, and one reason for this is the extensive web store of extensions.

The purpose of an extension is to alter the browser and add features that it otherwise wouldn’t have. You might find that one of your extensions is causing ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE.

To check if extensions are the problem, you can manually disable each extension or go into incognito mode. Just click the menu icon at the top-right for incognito mode and click “New Incognito Window.”

Use the new window to enter the website address and check if the error persists. If you still see the unreachable address error, it isn’t because of your extensions.

Also read: How to fix ‘This Plug-in is Not Supported Error in Google Chrome.’

3. Disable Your Antivirus Software

Similar to how an extension could block the connection with a website, your antivirus will do the same. If your antivirus software detects any code that has malintent, it’ll prevent you from loading the website altogether.

One way of finding out if this is the case is to disable your antivirus temporarily. Please remember that by doing this, if the website is dangerous, you risk a computer virus downloading to your computer.

However, if you’re certain it’s safe, then go ahead. Just remember to enable your antivirus again afterward!

4. Flush DNS

Getting to slightly more technical solutions, you can flush the DNS. When you visit a website, various pieces of information get stored in the DNS cache. Over time this cache builds up, and your computer might struggle with accessing the data it needs.

On a Windows computer, use these steps to flush DNS.

  • #1 – Click the search bar at the bottom-right and type “CMD.”
  • #2 – Right-click the Command Prompt program and select “Run as Administrator.”
  • #3 – Using the terminal window that appears, enter the command ipconfig /flushdns.

If the flush is successful, then a confirmation message will appear, but if not, make sure you ran the program as administrator.

After doing this, go back to Google Chrome and check if the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE message is still shown when you try to open the website.

5. Try Another Wi-Fi Network

A simpler solution to give a shot is to connect to a different Wi-Fi network. If you’re getting errors due to your router or ISP, this will give you an answer.

After connecting to another network, if your device’s internet connection works fine and you can access websites without error, you know that the issue isn’t with the device itself.

6. Change Your Network’s DNS Settings

Every network has pre-set DNS settings. When your ISP gives you a router, it will be set to connect to their DNS servers.

Usually, this is fine and won’t be problematic, but if you see ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE, it could be because those DNS servers are not working.

Use the steps below to change your network’s DNS servers to Google’s free alternatives. Note that this guide is only applicable to Windows computers.

  • #1 – Click the search bar at the bottom-right of your screen and type “Control Panel.”
  • #2 – Select “Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center,” then on the left menu, click on “Change adapter settings.”
  • #3 – A list of network devices will be shown on this screen. Select the network device you currently use, right-click on it, and choose “Properties.”
  • #4 – On the window that appears, click the “Networking” tab, and from the list of items, click on “Internet Protocol Version 4” and then the “Properties” button.
  • #5 – Under the “General” tab, click “Advanced.” If any IP addresses are shown, make a note of them and click “Remove.” Press “OK” to go back.
  • #6 – Back on the IPv4 window, enable “Use the follow DNS server addresses:” and type both of Google’s DNS IPs.
    Note: Google’s current public DNS addresses are and Click here to check if they have changed when reading this.
  • #7 – After entering the DNS servers, press “OK,” then disconnect and reconnect to your Wi-Fi network.

You can also change the router’s DNS settings by opening the dashboard. If you’re familiar with the router’s control panel, use its manual. It might seem too technical to do this but don’t worry; it’s not!

7. Disable Your Proxy Server

Using a proxy server, similar to a VPN, is ideal for connecting to a public network. You can prevent your data from hackers and generally protect yourself online.

Since these change how your device connects to the internet, it could interfere and cause ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE.

You can temporarily disable your proxy server if you’re on a Windows laptop.

  • #1 – Press your keyboard’s Windows Key and “R” simultaneously.
  • #2 – Type “inetcpl.cpl” into the box and click “OK” to run the command.
  • #3 – Your internet properties will now appear. Click on the “Connections” tab and click “LAN settings.”
  • #4 – You’ll see the proxy’s settings under the “Proxy server” heading. Uncheck the “Use a proxy server for your LAN” box and click “OK.”

Doing this removes the error and allows you to access the website easily. On the other hand, if you aren’t using a proxy server, try enabling it instead.

8. Clear Google Chrome DNS Cache

We showed you how to flush your computer’s DNS cache, but you can also try flushing Chrome’s DNS cache.

  • #1 – Launch Google Chrome, and in the address bar, enter “chrome://net-internals/#dns.”
  • #2 – Next to “Host resolver cache,” click the button “Clear host cache.”
  • #3 – Try visiting the website again.

This wipes your browser’s DNS cache and will hopefully clear some of your problems.

9. Restart Your Computer’s DNS Client

Restarting your computer’s DNS client may do the trick to sticking to the theme of troublesome DNS.

  • #1 – Simultaneously press the Windows Key and “R.”
  • #2 – Type “services.msc” into the box and click “OK.”
  • #3 – On the list of “Services,” scroll down and select the DNS Client.
  • #4 – Right-click on this service and click “Restart.”

If your computer didn’t boot properly, then this could cause the DNS client to have issues too. So, if this caused ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE, a restart will fix it.

10. Reset the TCP/IP

One of the more technical solutions is to reset the TCP/IP. Doing this will involve the Command Prompt and a few commands you’re probably unfamiliar with.

#1 – Using the search bar, type “CMD” and right-click on “Command Prompt,” then select “Run as Administrator.”

#2 – Now, enter the following commands in the respective order.

#3 – Restart your computer to complete the TCP/IP reset and then check if the error is gone.

Doing this requires a little extra effort than the other solutions. Nonetheless, you might find that the effort pays off, and ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE resolves itself.

11. Disable Chrome’s DNS Prediction

Among Google Chrome’s intricate of settings is DNS prediction. This feature, in particular, is used to enhance page loading speed. However, it may also be causing the loading error you see.

  • #1 – Launch Google Chrome, click on the menu icon at the top-right, and select “Settings.”
  • #2 – Scroll down and click on “Advanced Settings.”
  • #3 – Below “Privacy and Security,” disable the setting “Preload pages for faster browsing and searching.”
Disable Chrome's DNS Prediction to Fix ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE

Although this built-in feature supports your browsing, some users have proven to be a problem.

12. Switch Your ISP

This is just a last-resort solution. If you encounter ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE frequently and it’s not just limited to your computer, and you’ve tried endless solutions, you might want to consider switching to another internet provider.

Sure, this might be a hassle, but if you constantly have to deal with this error, which isn’t a Google Chrome error, device issue, or a simple network problem, then there’s a good chance your ISP is the cause.

Alternatively, you could request them to investigate the connection line for damage or replace your router.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What does ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE mean?
    • ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE is an error message that appears on Google Chrome when the browser is unable to establish a connection to the requested website. It indicates that the website is unreachable.
  2. How do I check my internet connection?
    • You can check your internet connection by trying to access other websites or using other devices on the same network to verify if they can connect to the internet.
  3. Why should I disable VPN or proxy settings?
    • VPN or proxy settings can sometimes interfere with the browser’s connection and lead to the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error. Disabling them temporarily can help determine if they are causing the issue.
  4. Can clearing browser cache and cookies resolve the error?
    • Yes, clearing the browser cache and cookies can resolve conflicts that may be causing the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error. It removes temporary data that can hinder website access.
  5. What should I do if none of the solutions work?
    • If none of the solutions mentioned in this article work, it is recommended to contact your internet service provider (ISP) for further assistance. They can investigate any network-related issues and provide appropriate guidance.

To Conclude

There’s no doubt in our minds that after you make your way through each of these solutions, the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error will be gone. Although this is a persistent and irritating Google Chrome problem, it’s easily fixed.

Hopefully, you can now access whichever sites you could not access before, and Google Chrome runs without any other issues.


Skilled software testing specialist with expertise in comparisons and research, passionate about blogging, reviews, and creating video tutorials.

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