How to Ping a Phone to Find Where It Is?

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How To Ping A Phone

Knowing how to ping an iPhone or an Android is advantageous if you need to find that device’s location.

However, only a few know how to perform such a workaround.

Therefore, we thought of creating this article explaining how to ping a phone in the simplest possible manner.

Also, we intend to explain alternative methods as well.

Introduction to Pinging a Smartphone

First, let’s find out what it means to ping a device. Well, pinging a smartphone implies finding out whether the respective device is available or whether it is within reach. This specific network function is supported by almost all of the major operating systems.  

Pinging a contemporary mobile operating system (OS) like iOS or Android also supports this functionality. And doing so typically entails locating the device as well. In fact, the term “ping” refers to a signal that is sent to the handset.

This specific signal is sent in order to inquire about the position of the device’s network. The phone then answers the inquiry by providing the necessary information.

Ping is a technology that gathers the necessary information by utilizing the GPS location of the device.

Besides, knowing how to track an iPhone without iCloud would be handy for any user. Let’s explain all possible ways to track iPhones without iCloud.

Why Do People Wonder How to Ping a Phone?

The primary purpose of utilizing the ping tool is to ascertain the position of the mobile device in question.

Assume that you’re wondering why a user would want to know the position of a device.

In that case, there are plenty of reasonable excuses for that, including the following.

  • If you have lost your smartphone and want to find outs its current location.
  • To monitor the whereabouts of the smartphones of your kids or the employees.  
  • To track the whereabouts of individuals who have criminal records. However, this is applicable to government organizations only.
  • Hackers and other unauthorized individuals usually use this technology to accomplish their hacking attempts. However, you should know that accessing someone else’s device without their consent is illegal and unethical.

So, How to Ping a Mobile Phone?

The ping feature is supported by a good number of smartphones. Nevertheless, the most recent phones don’t have this option enabled (it is excluded as a precaution).

You may require specialist software on the phone (such as PingD or “Find My Phone”). That is done in order to return that ping request in order to communicate with these devices.

Consequently, before continuing, you need to ensure that these apps are installed and set up properly on their system.

Also, remember that you won’t be able to send a ping to a device that is turned off. It’s also possible that other smartphones on that network won’t be able to ping the device. That is because it has precautions like a firewall installed.

Also, it can be hard if the AP Isolation feature is turned on in the router. 

Option 01: Pinging from a PC

First, let’s learn how to ping a phone using a PC. The steps are simplified as much as possible for you. So, let’s go ahead and learn what they are.

  • You can swipe down or up your device’s screen and see “Quick Settings.” After that, you should press and hold the Wi-Fi icon of your device to proceed.
  • Then, you will be able to see a different menu. Press the “Menu” icon and proceed to “Advanced Settings.”
  • You can then note down your device’s IP address. For instance, you can see a number like
  • Then, turn on a Windows computer. Make sure that this device is connected to the same network as your phone. Then, click on the Windows button and enter the text “CMD” in the search button.
  • After that, you should right-click the command prompt icon. Then, you should select the option called “Run as Administrator.”
command prompt
  • You should enter the following command in the command prompt and hit “Enter.”


(Please note that the above IP address should be replaced with the actual IP address of your smartphone).

Option 02: Ping Your Phone Using Another Phone

Please find below a simple guide if you want to ping your device from another phone.  

  • As the first step, you should open “Play Store” if you are using an Android device. However, for iOS users, make sure that you open App Store. Then, you should search for a Ping.
  • You can then install the app called “Ping.” Once the app is installed, you should open it.
Ping App on Google Play Store
  • Now, you should enter the IP of the respective device, as we mentioned before. Then, you should select the options called “Start” or “Ping.”
Ping Your Phone Using Another Phone

Option 03: Ping Using Find My Phone

This method works only if the device in question is switched on.

Also, the option called Find my Phone must be configured on it. On top of that, it must have an active internet connection (cellular or Wi-Fi).

Here is a simple guide to following up on using this method.

  • First, you should open any web browser of your preference. Then, you should navigate to any of the following steps. The method depends on the type of OS used.

For Android users, follow the link mentioned below. 

If you are using an iPhone, you can follow the below steps. 

  • After that, you should log in with the iOS or Android username and password. Once you have done that, you should select the respective device (if multiple devices are displayed).
Find Your Phone
  • After that, you should click on the option “Find My Phone.” Once you have done that, you can locate the device easily.
Google Find My Device

Option 04: Other Methods You Can Use to Ping Your Phone

If you want to know more methods of pinging, there are several other options to try. However, the catch is that most of these methods may require advanced, complex steps to follow.

More importantly, these methods may even require additional authorization from respective authorities. If you intend to perform these actions without the consent of the respective authorities, that may be illegal. Also, you should know that tracking someone else’s device without their consent is unethical.

So, if you are aware of this circumstance and wish to proceed with caution, below are those methods. Please note that you use these methods for legitimate purposes only.

  • You can use a GPS application or a family locator to track the whereabouts of a given device. Also, you can consider viewing the target device’s Google Maps history.
  • You can consider using a special app to find out information about the callers. For instance, you can use TrueCaller. Such an app can display information like their name and approximate location.
  • Another solution to consider is using a spy app to monitor the device. However, using a spy app on someone’s phone without their consent is unethical and illegal. So, keep that in mind when you opt to use a spy app.
  • Contact the helpline of the respective carrier to acquire more information. However, for a carrier to share such information, they must have the permission of the respective government authority. In addition to that, carriers even let you track devices that are registered under your profile. They can even provide a special portal to access the information of other devices under the profile. So, you are supposed to check this feature with the carrier.

The Steps You Should Take to Avoid Being Pinged

Now that you know how to ping an iPhone. Let’s learn how to avoid being pinged. In fact, being pinged means your information is exposed to someone else.

So, you should take all the possible measures to avoid it. Below are some quick and easy methods to prevent your device from being pinged.

  • Ensure you use PingD (a no-ping app) on your mobile device.
  • Make sure that you disable GPS or location features on your smartphone to avoid being monitored.

However, in urgency, you can simply put your device in airplane mode to avoid all connections. If not, you can even power it off.


1. Is phone pinging legal?

Yes, phone pinging is legal as long as you have the legal authority to track the phone. It is essential to comply with local laws and regulations when using phone pinging services.

2. Can I ping a phone that is turned off?

No, you cannot ping a phone that is turned off. The device needs to be turned on and connected to the cellular network for the ping to reach it.

3. Can I use phone pinging to track someone without their consent?

Using phone pinging to track someone without their consent is illegal and a violation of their privacy. It is important to respect privacy laws and obtain proper consent before tracking someone’s phone.

4. What should I do if my phone cannot be located using pinging?

If your phone cannot be located using pinging, consider contacting law enforcement and your service provider to report the loss or theft. They may be able to assist you further in locating or securing your device.

5. Are there any risks associated with phone pinging?

While phone pinging itself is a safe method, it is important to be cautious of potential risks such as unauthorized access to personal information. Ensure that you use trusted and reputable ping services or applications to mitigate these risks.


Losing a phone can be a distressing experience, but with the ability to ping your device, you have a higher chance of locating it. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ping your phone and obtain its approximate location. Remember to act swiftly in the event of a lost or stolen phone and consider implementing additional tracking methods for added security.


Ten years of experience in information and computer technology. Passionate about electronic devices, smartphones, computers, and modern technology.

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