GPT Protective Partition Error – How to Get Rid of It?

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Gpt Protective Partition Error

Are you scratching your head trying to figure out the GPT Protective Partition Error? No worries, you’re not alone. Let’s demystify it together.

The Concept Behind GPT

Definition of GPT

Before diving into the error itself, let’s first grasp the fundamental concept of GPT. GPT, standing for GUID Partition Table, is a standard for the layout of the partition table on a physical hard disk. It’s a part of the UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) standard that has gradually replaced the old BIOS system on newer systems.

Importance of GPT

The GPT scheme offers many advantages compared to the preceding Master Boot Record (MBR) scheme, such as supporting disks larger than 2 TB and allowing more than four primary partitions. However, with these perks comes a new class of errors – the GPT Protective Partition Error being one of them.

PS: here, you will find the top Android Partition Manager.

Unveiling the GPT Protective Partition Error

What is the GPT Protective Partition Error

Now, let’s dig into the crux of the matter – the GPT Protective Partition Error. This error usually surfaces when your computer fails to recognize the GPT disk, labeling it as a ‘Protective partition.’ This situation often means that your system doesn’t support GPT or has some difficulty handling it.

Causes of the GPT Protective Partition Error

This error can occur due to several reasons. These may include outdated system software, incompatibility of your system with the GPT format, or sometimes, a damaged partition table.

Consequences of the GPT Protective Partition Error

Potential Damage

This error can be quite damaging. It restricts access to the hard disk and blocks any data it contains, making it difficult to access your important files and data.

Impact on Data Integrity

The implications of this error stretch beyond just inconvenience – it poses a potential risk to your data’s integrity, especially if not addressed promptly and appropriately.

How to Resolve the GPT Protective Partition Error

GPT protective partition

Simple Troubleshooting Steps

In some cases, you might be able to resolve the issue by converting the GPT disk to an MBR disk. But beware, this process will erase all the data on the disk. Therefore, it’s prudent to backup any vital data before proceeding with this.

Advanced Troubleshooting Steps

For more complex cases, using professional disk management software or engaging the services of a computer technician might be necessary.

Besides, you can click here to find out how to fix The File or Directory is Corrupted and Unreadable and File Too Large for Destination File System easily.

How to Remove GPT Protective Partition?

Removing GPT protective partition can be solved using several methods. You can either consider a built-in tool or a third-party tool to accomplish this mission. Each of these methods has its own characteristics, so you should go through them thoroughly before trying.

01. Using Diskpart

As we mentioned, you can choose either a built-in or third-party tool to remove GPT protective partition. First, let’s discuss the built-in method – Diskpart.

One of the most significant benefits associated with this method is that it doesn’t cost any money. That is because it comes as a default tool in Windows OS. As long as you don’t want to pay anything and resolve GPT protective partition, Diskpart is a good option.

Now, let’s take a look at the steps to take in order to repair GPT protective partition with Diskpart.

  • Right-click on the option called ‘This PC‘ or ‘Computer‘ icon, depending on the Windows version. Then, you will have to select the option called ‘Manage‘ from the appearing popup menu.
  • Now, you should locate the disk that shows the error GPT protective partition. At this stage, you must remember the name of the drive correctly to avoid potential mistakes. You can even write it down on a piece of paper if required.
  • Open up the search box on your computer (by hitting Windows + X key on Windows 10). This method might differ slightly depending on the version of the OS you are using.
  • Now, in the search box, just key in the text ‘CMD’ and hit enter. Be sure that you run it in Administrator mode.
  • In the Command Prompt window, you should key in the text ‘Diskpart’ and hit the ‘Enter‘ key.
  • You should now type the commands mentioned below without making even a single mistake. Please make sure that you hit the ‘Enter‘ key after typing each line mentioned below.
emove GPT Protective Partition using diskpart

As we are aware, Diskpart should work in most cases. Even we have tried it with different computers, and it worked for us despite the quite lengthy process that followed. However, we don’t guarantee that it works all the time and gives 100% positive results.

Just like with any other built-in tool, diskpar can fail to do what it is supposed to do too. If that is the case with you as well, you may have to try a different method. Anyways, it is always better to try Diskpart after experiencing GPT protective partition error because it is totally free.

02. Use EaseUS Partition Master to overcome GPT protective partition

Many users prefer trying the free, built-in tool to overcome GPT protective partition and get it working again. However, as mentioned before, diskpart can fail on many occasions. In that case, you will have to use a professional tool.

This is exactly when you will have to rely on EaseUS Partition Manager. It is a reliable and fast tool that comprises of various features. The best thing about EaseUS Partition Manager is that it rectifies the error without causing any data loss.

Mentioned below is the step-by-step guide to overcoming this issue using EaseUS Partition Master.

Fix GPT Protective Partition Error with EaseUs Partition Master
  • Now, perform a right-click on the disk where GPT protective partition error appears. You will now see a list of options. Choose the option called ‘Convert to MBR.’ Then, you will be able to see that an operation is pending.
convert gpt to mbr
  • Then, click on the option called ‘Execute Operation.’ It can be seen as a button at the top-left corner.
  • As the next step, you should click on the ‘Apply‘ option. Then, the software will start to convert the GPT disk into MBR. You don’t need to worry about the data stored in the respective disk because it doesn’t cause data loss.
convert gpt partiton to mbr

Compared to Diskpart, EaseUS Partition Master is a pretty convenient method. It comes with a very friendly interface, so you don’t need to use any commands. Instead, you can enjoy the graphical user interface and resolve the issue easily.

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Prevention of the GPT Protective Partition Error

Regular System Check-ups

To prevent this error from occurring, make sure to perform regular system check-ups. This includes running routine disk checks to identify and rectify errors as early as possible.

Updated Software

Also, ensure that your system software is always up-to-date. Newer updates often come with fixes to bugs and compatibility issues that might cause such errors.


  1. What is the GPT Protective Partition Error? The GPT Protective Partition Error is a disk error that occurs when a computer system fails to recognize a GPT disk and labels it as a ‘Protective partition’.
  2. What are the causes of the GPT Protective Partition Error? This error can occur due to outdated system software, incompatibility of your system with the GPT format, or a damaged partition table.
  3. What is the impact of the GPT Protective Partition Error? This error can restrict access to the hard disk and the data it contains, and poses a potential risk to your data’s integrity.
  4. How can I resolve the GPT Protective Partition Error? Simple cases can be resolved by converting the GPT disk to an MBR disk, but complex cases might require professional disk management software or a computer technician.
  5. How can I prevent the GPT Protective Partition Error? Regular system check-ups and keeping your system software up-to-date can help prevent the GPT Protective Partition Error.


In conclusion, the GPT Protective Partition Error can cause significant data inaccessibility issues. While the solutions are available, prevention is always better than cure. Regular system checks and software updates go a long way in maintaining the health of your computer.


Ten years of experience in information and computer technology. Passionate about electronic devices, smartphones, computers, and modern technology.

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