How Do You Know if Someone Blocked Your Number on Android?

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How Do You Know If Someone Blocked Your Number On Android

Has your text message suddenly gone unanswered? Your calls not getting through as they once did? It might not necessarily be a case of bad network or the person being too busy. It might be that your number has been blocked. But how can you confirm if someone has blocked your number on their Android phone?

Understanding Blocking on Android

What is Blocking?

In simple terms, blocking is a feature that allows a person to prevent another from contacting them through their phone. It’s like creating a virtual barrier that prevents phone calls, text messages, and even voicemails from reaching the person who has done the blocking.

What Happens When Someone Blocks You?

When you’re blocked, your calls usually go straight to voicemail. Your text messages won’t receive a delivery confirmation, and they won’t be read or responded to. In essence, your communication attempts are nullified.

Signs That Your Number Might Be Blocked

Unanswered Calls

One of the most obvious signs of being blocked is when your calls go unanswered. If all your calls go straight to voicemail and never ring, it’s a possible indicator.

Unresponsive Text Messages

Another sign is the sudden silence from the other end. If your messages used to be answered and suddenly aren’t, or you’re not getting any delivery confirmations, you might have been blocked.

The One-Ring Hang-Up

Have your calls started to ring just once before being redirected to voicemail? This could mean your number is on the blocked list.

Ways to Find Out if You’ve Been Blocked on Android

Following on from above, there are a couple of different ways to check if someone blocks your number. Right off the bat, we suggest that you don’t expect the worst – even if a friend blocks your number it may be unintentional.

Regardless of the reason that someone has chosen to block your number, it’s worth finding out if they actually have. Perhaps you had your phone number hidden, and they thought you were a spam caller, or maybe they meant to block another number. Here are the best ways to figure it out.

1 – Call Who You Suspect is Blocking You

One way to find out if your number is on a contact’s block list is to call them. If they pick up your call, then you have your answer – you’ve not been blocked.

If they don’t answer and you still wonder how you know if someone blocked your number on Android, the points below are important to take note of.

  • 1. Does your phone ring when you call their number?
  • 2. If you hear the phone ringing, how many times does it ring?
  • 3. Does your call go straight to voicemail (how to leave a voicemail without calling) or does it ring a reasonable number of times?
  • 4. Do you have your number hidden while calling them?

You might want to consider repeating this at different times of the day. It could be as simple as the contact’s phone being out of charge. If this is the case, then your call will go straight to voicemail even if they didn’t block you.

Similarly, if they don’t have their phone turned on or have calls disabled temporarily, you’ll also be taken straight to voicemail.

You can go a step further, and you could even try calling them from another Android phone or even a landline.

If you didn’t hear the phone ring with your own Android phone, but you do with a different smartphone, they’ve most likely blocked your number.

PS: Click here to find out how to track someone’s phone by their number.

Calling the Contact – Confirming You Are Blocked

Before you deduce that the contact has your number on their block list, you should confirm. Taking the steps above should be enough, but there’s no reason for you not to take a few minutes just to make sure that they did block you.

How do you know if someone blocked your number on Android has a few solutions. After trying the solution above, follow these steps to confirm what you find.

#1 – Start by unlocking your Android smartphone and launching the “Phone” application.

Phone -> More

#2 – At the top of the app, tap on “More” and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.

Phone Settings

#3 – Next, on the following menu that appears, select either “More Settings” or “Advanced Settings”, depending on your Android version.

#4 – Select “Show my caller ID” from the list that appears.

Show my caller ID

#5 – A popup menu will now appear. Select “Hide number” and then tap “Cancel” to exit this menu.

Show Hide Number

#6 – You can now exit the Phone app’s settings and try calling your contact again.

Once you have your own phone number hidden, you can move on to the next part of the checking process.

Calling Your Contact Again

After you follow the steps in the previous section, your number will not be shown to whoever you call.

So, the next thing you should do is try calling your contact again except this time; they won’t be aware that it’s you who is calling them. When you call them, one of the following things will happen:

  • 1. The contact will answer your phone call but won’t be aware that it is you. If this happens, it confirms that they are receiving your calls but are choosing not to answer you.
  • 2. The phone rings as it normally would, and they don’t answer it. If you don’t go straight to voicemail, but you did before, then they have set their phone to redirect your number.
  • 3. Your contact answers the call, and after you speak, they realize who is calling them. They will either hang up quickly, or you’ll have the opportunity to confront them.

Some carriers don’t allow users to hide their caller ID, although most do. If your carrier doesn’t let you do this, then like we said before, consider using another phone.

2 – Send the Contact a WhatsApp Message

Considering how popular WhatsApp is, there’s a good chance both you and your contact will use it for messaging. How do you know if someone blocked your number on Android using WhatsApp? This is how.

#1 – Open the WhatsApp application and tap on the chat you have with your contact.

#2 – Send them a message and wait a few moments.

Send the Contact a WhatsApp Message

When messages are sent using WhatsApp, it adds checkmarks next to the messages that indicate the status.

  • One grey checkmark shows that the message has been sent from your device
  • Two grey checkmarks appear when the recipient receives your message
  • Two blue checkmarks appear once they have read your message
How Do You Know if Someone Blocked Your Number on Android by Send WhatsApp Messages

After a while, if your message is still just one grey checkmark, then there are two possibilities. Either they no longer used WhatsApp and chose to uninstall it, or they have your number on the block list.

On the other hand, if you see two blue checkmarks, but your contact didn’t respond to your message, this confirms they are dodging your calls.

We can assume the same about two grey checkmarks – they notice that you sent them a message but don’t want to open it.

3 – Remove a Contact from Your Contact List

This final method doesn’t work for everyone, but if the other two don’t satisfy you, then it’s worth a shot. Deleting the contact’s information from your Android device and adding them as a new contact can make it clear if they did actually block you.

#1 – Start by opening the “Contacts” application on your Android smartphone.

#2 – Swipe down the list and locate the person you want to check.

Contact -> More

#3 – At the top-right of your display, tap on “More” and then “Delete.” Tap on “Delete” again if a confirmation popup box appears.

Delete Contact

#4 – Back on your contacts list, tap on the “All Contacts” heading.

All Contacts

#5 – Use the search bar and type in the name of your contact.

Once you’ve done this, if the contact’s number appears as a “Suggested Contact,” you’re in the clear! This means they did not block your number. Of course, if their number doesn’t appear, it’s likely that they did block you.

Hopefully, if you are wondering how you know if someone blocked your number on Android, this will provide some clarity.

Also read: How to block text messages on Samsung effortlessly.

Considering What You’ve Found Out

Before we wrap this article up, let’s take a moment to consider what we found out. If you’re an Android user who wants to determine if someone else blocks your number, here are the tell-tale signs:

  • When you call them, the phone call instantly ends or goes to voicemail
  • Whenever you call their number, it doesn’t ring, and you hear the busy beeping noise
  • They never reply to your text messages, or your WhatsApp messages only show one grey checkmark

Depending on your relationship with the person you suspect did block your number; you might want to ask them about it. Using each of the solutions above will help you find out, but none of them will give a definitive answer. That being said, if you experience all three of the things on the list above, you’re probably on their block list.


  1. Q: Can you tell if someone blocked your number? A: Yes, there are a few signs like unanswered calls, unresponsive text messages, and calls that ring once before going to voicemail. You can also try to confirm using different methods.
  2. Q: Do blocked messages get delivered? A: No, messages from blocked numbers are not delivered and don’t receive delivery confirmation.
  3. Q: Will my call go straight to voicemail if I’m blocked? A: Most of the time, yes. Calls from blocked numbers are usually directed straight to voicemail.
  4. Q: Can service providers tell you if you’re blocked? A: Some might be able to tell you, but it’s not always possible due to privacy concerns.
  5. Q: Can you leave a voicemail if your number is blocked? A: No, voicemails from blocked numbers won’t reach the person who blocked you.

To Conclude

Having a friend block, your number can be upsetting at first. But, most of the time, people block numbers by mistake. You could avoid these methods by approaching them and simply asking them if they blocked you.

Of course, many of us would prefer to avoid such an awkward confrontation. Instead, if you’re wondering, “how do you know if someone blocked your number on Android” use one of the guides above.

They’ll help you get to the bottom of this and find out if your number is on a block list or not!


Skilled software testing specialist with expertise in comparisons and research, passionate about blogging, reviews, and creating video tutorials.

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