Do you wonder how to unignore someone on Messenger and start chatting with them again?
In this article, we will show you how to get it done without any trouble.
Those who need to get this done can follow the steps below.
Overview of Facebook Messenger
Have you ignored somebody on Facebook Messenger but would now like to continue chatting with them?
If so, you may be curious about unignoring that person once again. Simply put, you will learn how to unignore someone on Messenger in this case.
Assume that you are using FB and discover that there’s someone who is bothering you through messages.
If that’s the case, you will most likely make the decision to ignore that person. Ignore is regarded to be an exceptionally useful new feature that Facebook has included on its platform.
What if you wish to stop conversing with someone but don’t want to ban them? The easiest method is to ignore those users instead, so they won’t even be aware of it. As a result, the chats would be stored in the folder called Requests Spam when they are archived.
On the other hand, in some cases, you may change your mind and desire to stop ignoring them. If so, you may do so straight within the messenger program.
Therefore, today we will demonstrate two different approaches that you may use to unignore a user on Fb Messenger.
So, How to Unignore Someone on Messenger?
To remove someone from your ignore list on FB Messenger, open the Messenger app. After that, you should press on the profile picture and then tap the message requests button.
Now enter the folder called “spam,” and look for the message from your friend that you ignored. After that, click on it so you can open it.
On the other hand, there’s only one method to stop ignoring somebody on your messaging app. As per this method, you can send them a message. If they have not messaged you by this time, you can simply begin a new chat.
There’s, however, a different way to unignore somebody, and it does not involve responding to them or recognizing them. Therefore, if you are interested in doing it, you may proceed to the following approach.
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01. Tap on the Profile Picture
To begin, launch the Messenger application on your Android or iPhone device.
After that, tap on the profile image, which should be located in the upper left corner of the page. Your Messenger’s settings page will open in a new tab or window that opens when this happens.
When you click this button, you will be taken to a new page. On this page, you can begin the process of unignoring another user on Messenger.

02. Open the “Spam” Folder in Message Requests
When you access the settings page for Messenger, select “Message Requests” from the menu. After that, you will be taken to the page where you can request messages.
At the very top of your screen, on this specific page, you will find not one but two menus. You can choose the most suitable option from them.
You can choose “Spam” or “You may know” from these two selections.
Well, the first section of the menu contains the individuals who you might recognize. This is because they have communicated with you but who are not among your friends.
Nevertheless, the folder labeled “spam” is the location where you might be able to view any messages or requests. That means the requests from individuals that you have previously ignored. To access this feature, you’ll need to open the menu called “Spam.”

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03. Unignore the Person
You’ll be able to view all of the spam message requests once you’ve typed them on the phone menu. That means the requests you might have already received from other individuals on Facebook.
Because of this, the individual you’ve ignored will eventually find you. Therefore, tap on the conversation of the individual whose messages you wish to stop ignoring.
When you enter the conversation, you will be able to notice that there are two buttons. For instance, you can find the “Delete” and “Block” options. These buttons aren’t really necessary to utilize at all.
Finally, you can unignore a buddy by tapping on its chatbox. You can do it to begin a chat or conversation with the friend you have been ignoring.

Reading an Ignored Message on Messenger
Do you want to view a message that has been ignored on FB Messenger? If so, access the requested message page, then select “Spam” from the option that appears.
After that, a different page will load, on which you can view all of the spam message requests together. In fact, you can view them with the ones that you have chosen to ignore.
You can then see all of the messages that you have ignored displayed on this page. You can simply tap on those messages to open them up and then read them if you so choose.
What Exactly Happens if You Unignore a User On Messenger?
If you unignore a contact in Messenger, the conversation will return to the main chat screen.
You also can contact the person unignored via message and conversation. Also, you may not see their previous communication unless you unignore them.
Or, if you have checked the folder called “spam request,” which is where the ignored messages are stored.
This is similar to pausing a conversation and then picking up where you left off with a friend.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Will the person know if I unignore them on Messenger?
No, the person will not be notified if you unignore them.
2. Can I unignore someone on Messenger without replying?
No, the action of replying to a message is what unignores the conversation.
3. What happens to the messages sent while I had the person ignored?
These messages are stored in your Message Requests under ‘Spam’ and can be read when you choose to unignore the conversation.
4. Can I ignore the person again if I want to?
Yes, you can choose to ignore the conversation again at any time.
5. What’s the difference between blocking and ignoring on Messenger?
When you block someone, they can’t contact you at all. Ignoring merely moves their messages to your Message Requests.
So, those are the simple steps to follow if you wonder how to unignore someone on Messenger.
As you can see, it is not that difficult if you know the steps correctly.
If you want to know more about Facebook Messenger and its functionality, please let us know.